It's great to see so many Silverlight-based widgets, samples, demos and applications appearing out there. I spent a happy hour this morning searching around the Internet for examples and samples, and thought I'd aggregate the fruits of my research below.

If you've just installed Silverlight on your machine and want to see it "do" something, click around the fifty links below to explore. Some of these samples require the Silverlight 1.1 alpha release (Windows install / Mac install), so if you get an error, try installing the 1.1 release. (Incidentally, the 1.1 alpha release contains the 1.0 beta bits, so you just need to install from the link above and you're good to go.)

2D Physics Simulation Grand Piano Silverlight Mind Map
3D Teapot Demo Infragistics Controls Demo Silverlight Pad
Amazon Search Visualization JavaScript / .NET Chess Silverlight Playground
AOL Social Mail Gadget Laugh-o-Sphere Silverlight Rocks
Binary Clock LiveStation SilverNibbles
Browser Poker Matrix Digital Rain Smalltalk on Silverlight
Bubble Factory Michael's Journal Sprawl
Bubblemark Office Ribbon Surface Prototype
Comic Book Viewer Photopoints Gallery SVG to Silverlight Converter
Destroy All Invaders Popfly Telerik RadControls 3D Cube
Digger Python Console Verlet Integration Algorithm
Disco Dance Floor Reflecting Graph Windows Journal-to-Silverlight Converter
Dr Greenthumb Reflector for Silverlight Windows Vista Simulator
Dr Popper Roxio Buzz XamlWebPad
GlyphMap Sierpinski Triangle XPS Viewer
GOA WinForms Demo Silverlight Airlines Demo Zero Gravity
Gradient Animations Silverlight Chess Game Replay

I should probably just add the disclaimer that since these are hosted on a variety of external servers, it's almost guaranteed that some of the links will be broken at any given time. Have fun!